We avoid the crowds and spectacle of the 4th of July by riding in Canada.
After our successful loop of the Olympic Peninsula, we were feeling good and wanted to do some more exploring. Knowing Zero hates fireworks and the 4th of July was approaching, we decided at the last minute to head to Canada.
Zero used to be terrified of boats in general, but now he is completely calm. We hung out on the deck in the sunny weather and soon found ourselves in Victoria on Vancouver Island. We quickly hit the road and headed West until we made it Port Renfrew.
This sleepy little town doesn't have a lot going on besides a few restaurants. But there are plenty of riding options, and the roads are far less maintained than the ones where we live. Which is exactly why we came here.
We set out from our hotel room in search of "Big Lonely Doug", the last standing Douglas Fir Tree high up the mountain. The ride out was beautiful, but filled with massive potholes that forced us to be quick on our feet (or tires).
As the road became worse we saw the few cars that were out there forced to turn around. After a surprisingly steep section filled with large, loose rocks; we finally found Big Lonely Doug.
After we were satisfied with seeing Lonely Doug, we had to make the trip back, which was still difficult at times, but at least we knew what to expect this time.
On our way back home we stuck to the dirt as much as possible and managed to find some great views.
Obligatory goofy Zero picture |
We had a great but short time in Port Renfrew, and hope to go back and explore there again.